Return the favor

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

week #17 Monday, July 1st, 2013

Hey Family,
So first off, mom asked about the new missionaries, they send out an email w/ the entire move call. So yes, they come in on the move call, and people move around a lot. Usually, except those of us that are training. So 3/4 of the companionship in our district didn't see a change. Only the other Elders in Gangshan saw changes.
So exciting news. I'm now an English Teacher. Basically people call me professor, I give giant lectures, pretty amazing, just kidding. It is weird teaching people English though, I'm the newest missionary and they have me teaching beginners. Which is kind of hard. I usually have no idea what people are asking but luckily we have like 5 people who attend my class who's english is advanced enough that they could be in a higher class, they just choose to be in my class. I have like an hour and a half to teach english and stuff. Pretty hard for me to fill that time. It reminds me of when I was a primary teacher and I always ended early. Yep. 
So also we've had to do a lot of splits b/c we have to many people to teach at the same time. I usually find a member who speaks at least adequate english, and Elder Jensen finds someone else and we teach as many people as we can at that time. It's pretty crazy but kinda cool as well. We've gotten a lot of lessons in that way.
So this Sunday was a missionary focused day, so 2 of the talks were given by the missionaries, us missionaries went up and sang a 4 part version of Come thou font, and I had to play for us while we practiced, so that was fun, good thing I can sight read alright. 
And that's the week, glad I got a chance to write all of you. I know this church is true, I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church of Jesus Christ. I know that through the atonement we can do anything, and I know that God loves each of His children individually and he wants success for each and everyone of them. I miss you all, hope this week is good for each of you. Your in my prayers.
Love ya,
Elder Bean

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